The essence of freedom

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  • Saturday, 20 August 2016 10:13

“Celebrate Freedom”. You will be reading these two words far too often this month. From weight loss clinics and neighbourhood bakeries to “boutiques” — anybody with any commercial interest will suddenly want to awaken the idea of freedom in you. The freedom here, mind you, is limited to self. Freedom to have your hair look a certain way, freedom to head out to a destination, freedom to shop for your favourite brand, and what have you. In case you are still wondering about the furore over the “freedom” bit, well, it’s August, the month when India became an independent nation.

It’s strange however, how over the years, freedom seems to have become a mere word, an abstract term most of us seem to have inherited. As a result, everyone thinks it’s ok to sell us an idea of freedom. And why not, we probably have forgotten the blood and sweat that went into making India a free nation.

And that’s where I think there is a need to not just see the glass half-empty, but also awaken the desire to fill that half-empty glass to full.

A responsibility each one of us has. Interestingly there are some extremely positive signs one notices. There is “The Made in India”, campaign, the growing number of entrepreneurs, talk of a reverse brain-drain, not to mention the breed of young people who are extremely nation-proud. Having said that, however, this isn’t the time to rest on our laurels either. We need to maintain the momentum. And if each one of us does what we are doing with utmost passion, there is nothing that can stop us from making a mark.

But let’s talk about looking at the glass half-empty or half-full, dear readers. We stay true to our commitment to you about bringing to you all headline-grabbing action. A reason why we have on our cover none other than Salman Khan. For he might have his share of flaws, but boy, the actor can’t be ignored!

Also don’t miss our tribute to legendary artist S H Raza. Interestingly, we had spoken to the artist just a few days before he breathed his last. He was a man who used art to give out some powerful messages.

There’s a lesson there for all of us. Let us all strive to make a difference and do our bit for the nation through whatever we do best. Don’t they say, every drop makes an ocean?

Jai Hind!