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  • Wednesday, 06 April 2016 06:35

DIPLOMACY// The arrival of US President Barack Obama in the Cuban capital of Havana is nothing short of a giant step to repair the relationship between the two countries which almost went to war 50 years ago. Obama is the first US President since 1928 to visit Cuba. From 1959, the US and Cuba grew apart as they were governed by people who had completely different ideas of how a nation should be run. Headed by Fidel Castro, the Cubans embraced communism where the state has a role in providing everything from cars to education for its people. The US, in contrast, believes that private companies should run all businesses and the government should stay out of most activities other than maintaining peace and order. For years, there was little or no contact between the two countries-companies from Cuba and US could not do business with each other and people could not travel freely between the nations. Since 2014, the situation has begun to change-the two governments have begun to talk to each other and now businesses from the US and Cuba should also be able to work together. And yes, planeloads and shiploads of tourists from the US are arriving in Cuba! Maybe the bitter enemies are on the way to becoming friends!