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  • Tuesday, 05 January 2016 10:56

cardio-vascular workout. It involves a lifestyle change for the better, and endorphins, the healthy hormones that are released give you a natural high

Idon’t know about you, but these are just 40 of the hundreds of thoughts that cross my mind when I run:

  1. Ah! Am so going to nail this run.
  2. Ok. This is easy. Just breathe in and breathe out.
  3. Oh my god! It’s already started to get hot.
  4. Just one more km.
  5. Look at the people staring. Why are they staring at me? Do I have coffee stains on my shirt? Something hanging off my butt? Should I just turn back and go home?
  6. Hey! Another runner. See I am not alone. Just nod slightly in his direction so he thinks you are a pro. And don’t forget to smirk.
  7. Okay, why am I running again?
  8. What? I have been running forever now. And its only 3 km?
  9. Okay fine. Just one more km.
  10. Darn this. I can’t breathe. Maybe this is how am going to die.
  11. See carrying water was such a good idea.
  12. Isn’t that the guy an ex-colleague? Puhleeeze don’t stop me. I am timing myself.
  13. Whoosh! That was close. Let’s disappear in a different lane.
  14. Oh my god that dog is staring at me. Forget breathlessness, this is how I will die. I can see the headline. Woman mauled by a dog because she was running too slowly. Or too fast? Heck, whom am I kidding? It is too slow.
  15. I wonder how my butt looks while running.
  16. How do people run 21 km at a stretch? And why?
  17. Look at the bright side. I must have burned at least 500 calories by now. I don’t feel so bad about the chocolatecake I ate last night.
  18. What? Only 180? This app is useless.
  19. Am never running again. Running is so overrated.
  20. Let’s stick to yoga. Yoga is good.
  21. When does that runners high start to hit?
  22. Whom was I kidding? I don’t even like running.
  23. Shut up, woman. Running is sexy.
  24. Sexy? Who are you, Maria Sharapova?
  25. Wait. She plays tennis, you dimwit. Maybe the secret is tennis.
  26. Ok. Focus. What will my breakfast be?
  27. Eggs? Chocolate milk? Or lets load up on chicken biryani — proteins and carbs!
  28. Oh god, carbs need to be eaten before and not after.
  29. See, I shouldn’t be running. I am doing this in reverse.
  30. Okay let me run another km. Then we stop.
  31. Suck it up, you need to get home. That’s another 3 km!
  32. But what if I faint? There aren’t even cute guys around to help carry me home.
  33. I knew running in the evening was a better idea. Next time, am running in the evening and past the gym where all the cute guys are.
  34. Um, isn’t your cute guy sleeping at home?
  35. OMG wait! He is sleeping at home and I am running? Screw it, am taking a lift home.
  36. Let’s just get home this time and we go back to yoga.
  37. Oh wow! I ran so much. All right, let’s sign up for a half marathon once we get home.
  38. Slow down. Get your ass home first.
  39. Wohoo! That wasn’t too bad now, was it?
  40. Am so going to nail the next run!

And now you can stop smiling at the idea of how similar mine and your “running thoughts” are.

Let me tell you also that I am not a winter person. I have a hard time getting out the house, let alone going for a run in freezing temperatures in the wee hours of the morning. And now that Airtel Delhi Half Marathon (ADHM) is also done, I have truly run out of reasons to brave the cold and the wind.  

But I have already taken a week off since ADHM and now, I have to get back into the groove. I could run in a cozy gym on a treadmill but I would much rather watch Prem Ratan Dhan Paayo (no, not really). This is usually the time when I start cursing myself for registering for the Mumbai full. So, long runs mean 4 am alarms and pushing myself through the supremely powerful cozy comforters and talking to motivating myself to go out there and give it my all. 

Here are some things I try telling myself:  

Run any time of the day: In winters I run whenever I feel like it. It doesn’t have to be early morning or late evening or even in the afternoons.  

Gratitude: I remind myself there are so many people who want to do this and be in my place but can’t. It’s my way of being thankful for a healthy body.  

Right gear: The right winter gear that keeps me sufficiently warm in order to take that first step out of the house is key. On particularly gloomy days, the brighter, the better. And I prefer running in shorter loops in case I need to get rid of or add layers.  

Running with friends: That’s the only way I can do it during peak winters. People in the north know what I’m talking about.  

To binge guilt free: I eat moderately for most part of the year, but during winters I want that levy to have that cup of hot chocolate with cream at Starbucks and the paranthas laden with the very salty Amul butter!  

I’m badass: Not too many have the guts and determination to do it. And “You are totally mad” sounds sweeter when you finish your run in freezing cold temperatures. 

By signing up for shorter runs: I couldn’t have thought of this two years ago, but now we have enough and more short runs (5 km and 10 km) to choose from. The idea is to stay active.  

Post-run chai tastes really, like really good. 

Winter is here!