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  • Tuesday, 08 December 2015 11:50

POLITICS// India’s neighbour Myanmar will soon have a new leader in the form of Aung San Suu Kyi, whose political party has won the recent elections in that country. For the first time in 50 years, the Burmese people will have a fairly elected person as their leader.

For a long time, Myanmar has been ruled by its army, which didn’t grant much freedom to its people. Aung San Suu Kyi was imprisoned in her own home for many years because she spoke out against the army and worked for the freedom of her people. She was given the Nobel Peace Prize in 1991 for her actions to free the Burmese people from military rule. After a long struggle, the Myanmar’s military rulers recently agreed to hold proper elections in the country. Suu Kyi’s political party -- the National League for Democracy (NLD) -- participated in the elections and won most of the votes. That gives the NLD the right to form the next government in Myanmar and Aung San Suu Kyi will control that government.

However, she may not become the President of Myamnar as the country’s law prevents those married to foreigners (Suu Kyi’s husband was an American) from becoming the President of the country. However, it’s clear that Suu Kyi, who is the most popular leader in Myanmar, will be in charge of the new government, no matter the name of the role given to her.