the miracles of Gratitude

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  • Monday, 07 December 2015 10:41

The words “thank you” may sound simple but are filled with positive energy, and mark the beginning of the change we all desire

The dictionary meaning of the word “gratitude” is the act of being thankful, or readiness to show appreciation. In a deeper sense, it has a much wider connotation. Gratitude is an ingredient that consistently holds society and relationships together. The expression of gratitude is essential for the human survival, sustainability and prosperity.

The German philosopher and theologian Meister Eckhart summarises the importance of gratitude thus: “If the only prayer you say in your life is ‘thank you’, that would suffice.” The words, “thank you” may sound simple but are filled with positive energy, and mark the beginning of the change we all desire.

All the religions of the world talk in detail about the importance of gratitude. It is said in the Quran, “If you count God’s blessings, you can never encompass them all.” Nearly all the Hindu scriptures mention gratitude as one of the most important virtues. The Bible speaks of giving thanks to the Lord in its various psalms.

In order to live, we must continuously say thank for all that we have and are receiving from the universe. And once we are in this positive energy, we will be always surrounded by it. Being grateful brings us closer to those whom we thank and appreciate. Even modern-day research has shown that when one shifts into an active state of gratitude from the core of one’s heart, she operates from a higher state of vibration, which in turn acts like a magnet to bring higher good.Gratitude is the pathway to miracles.

Recent research have shown that those who incorporate gratitude in their daily schedule experience better health, are more calm and peaceful, have better relationships and exhibit higher levels of positive emotions of joy and happiness. Modern day research has shown that when one shifts into an active state of gratitude from the core of your heart, he or she operates from a high state of vibration which in turn acts like a magnet to bring higher good.Gratitude is the pathway to miracles.

Let me share my experience. Although I have been walking the spiritual path for more than two decades, it was only recently that I came to know the importance of gratitude and the role it plays in our lives, when I experienced a near death situation. On December 28, 2013, I was going through my normal daily routine when I experienced a sharp pain in my abdomen. It was unbearable and I was rushed to the hospital. Next morning the doctors in the hospital I was admitted said they would not be able to treat me. I was shifted to another hospital and sent to the ICU. The doctors declared my condition to be critical and my chances of survival were bleak.

As I lay in bed, reeling under severe pain yet conscious, I knew nothing was certain about my life. Seeing people suffering around me as they lay on their beds was not a pleasant sight. I felt my time had come to leave this world. My heart welled up with gratitude to God for blessing me with the life I had led. I mentally started thanking all the people who had been a part of my life’s journey and who had contributed meaningfully to make me who I am.

I gave sincere thanks whenever I was conscious as I prepared myself to move on to the next life. I also realised I had never thanked my body and every organ of my system for working for me nonstop to keep me alive physically on this planet. Then, something shifted. Things started changing for me on the fourth night. My condition started improving and after 10 days, I was completely fine and was discharged from the hospital. My doctor couldn’t believe he was discharging me and that too so soon. He termed my recovery nothing short of a miracle. But I knew that the energy of gratitude had brought the force of life within me and I thanked my Master.

Here are a few simple exercises for the next 21-days to incorporate gratitude in your lives.

As soon as you wake up, thank the universe/ god for the beautiful day. Devote five minutes giving thanks for the beautiful things you have in your life.

As you go about the day, live in the awareness of the moment and acknowledge the little things that come across your way. Be thankful for the morning coffee, the beautiful sunny day, for the easy commute to your work; friends, colleagues, support and so on. When you live in awareness, you will notice that you have plenty to be grateful for.

Be generous in giving compliments from your heart. With every compliment, a bond is strengthened and trust is built. Say “Thank you” more often. Grab every opportunity to show your gratitude.

Write a letter (Or say it in your head) to a loved one. The letter might look something like this, “I am grateful to my wife for all what she does for me. I am grateful for her love, compassion and her support. I am grateful how she takes care of the children and brings them up.” It is not important the other person listen or hear it, although it is appreciative if you express gratitude to the ones you love. But even if you don’t, they will feel the energy of love and gratitude as we all are connected.

Daily, write down (Or think) 10 things you are grateful for in your life and also write down the reason. End each sentence with thank you.

At night, before you sleep, think of the things for which you are grateful for that day. Thank everyone from your heart.

Do the above practices regularly and watch your life unfold beautifully.