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  • Friday, 11 September 2015 07:18

It’s great for your joints, your lymphatic system and a complete mood-lifter. Workouts inside water are gaining popularity, with Aqua Tango being the newest fad

Any workout you do in a fitness centre can be done inside the pool as well — yoga, Pilates, kickboxing, Zumba, step aerobics, aerobics, cardio, sculpting, stretching, and so on. Aqua Tango is a workout done inside the water/ pool. Thus, the name changes accordingly, so it becomes Aqua Yoga or Yoqua, Aqua pilates or aqualates, Aqua kickboxing or Aquaboxing, so on. Here’s a lowdown on exercising in water:

Why do all these inside the water?

What are the benefits and effects?

These workouts are done in waist-high or even shoulder-high water. Since water has resistance, it makes the workout even more intense and challenging. It is like bearing a lot of weight while working out. Yet, it does not feel that challenging. In fact, water makes it gentle as it cushions the impacts on the joints. Yes, water provides resistance, but it also has buoyancy. We also use equipment or gadgets such as webbed gloves, aqua shoes, step, thera band, buoyancy bells and belts, noodles, balls, tubing and so on.

Are these workouts exhausting?

Aqua workouts do not tire you or make you sweaty. In fact, you come out of water fresh and relaxed, despite burning a lot of calories. People do not find this workout hard at all.

Why is it so effective?

Water is 12-14 times thicker than air. Hence, working inside water helps you tone your muscles. At the same time, it does not cause any harm to your joints like knees, spine and so on. Aqua Tango can help improve the physical and mental health of an individual. The environment helps you relieve stress and tension as the muscles are loosened once you let your body submerge in water. The little to no impact on joints and muscles helps you strengthen the body and lose weight. Unlike swimming, vertical exercise seeks to maximise resistance, which results in a core challenge.

Consequently, it is easier to keep those nasty midlife inches from accumulating in the area where they contribute to metabolic breakdown and all its associated diseases. Water can even improve and maintain balance since it unloads the spine. This form of exercise can relieve the wear and tear of joints and help you stay fit. Water workouts are a terrific crosstraining activity for runners, cyclists, and maniac aerobicisers. Water workouts, in general, are great for pregnant women, older people, and people with multiple sclerosis, osteoporosis, or other degenerative diseases because moving through the water is much easier on your body.